Bursa Filings

Notice Of Interest Sub. S-hldr (29B) - Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd.

Back Apr 01, 2015

Particulars of substantial Securities Holder


Address 280 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON, MA 02210, U.S.A.
NRIC/Passport No/Company No. N/A
Nationality/Country of incorporation BERMUDA
Descriptions (Class & nominal value) ORDINARY SHARES OF RM0.10 EACH
Name & address of registered holder 1. Cartaban Nominees (Asing) Sdn. Bhd. - 79,972,408
2. Danske Bank A/S - 2,108,300
3. Citigroup Nominees (Asing) Sdn. Bhd. - 7,917,530
4. HSBC Nominees (Asing) Sdn. Bhd. - 97,235,798
5. JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. - 2,896,760
6. Mellon Bank, N.A. - 21,891,170
7. RBC Dexia Investor Services - 17,411,085
8. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB - 2,133,963

Details of changes

Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Type of transaction Date of change
No of securities
Price Transacted (RM)
Disposed 25/03/2015
Disposed 26/03/2015


Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred Disposal of shares
Nature of interest Indirect
Direct (units)  
Direct (%)  
Indirect/deemed interest (units) 231,567,014 
Indirect/deemed interest (%) 8.32 
Total no of securities after change 231,567,014
Date of notice 31/03/2015

Remarks :
Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd. is a direct controlled undertaking of Wellington Investment Advisors Holdings LLP, which, in turn, is a direct controlled undertaking of Wellington Group Holdings LLP, which, in turn, is a direct controlled undertaking of Wellington Management Group LLP.

This announcement is based on the information in the Notice of Change in the Interests of Substantial Shareholder dated 31/03/2015 of Wellington Management Global Holdings, Ltd. received by the registered office of AirAsia Berhad on 31/03/2015.


Announcement Info

Stock Name AIRASIA    
Date Announced 1 Apr 2015  
Category Changes in Substantial Shareholder's Interest Pursuant to Form 29B of the Companies Act. 1965
Reference No CM-150401-60B95