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Page Background

considerable resources to keep enhancing

our safety frameworks, recognising

that maintaining the highest standards

of safety is necessarily an ongoing

mission. We take a vigilant, proactive

and systematic approach to protect the

Group against a range of risks and strive

for continuous improvement in our safety

practices and performance.

Safety Management System (SMS)

Safety at AirAsia Malaysia is reinforced

by a robust Safety Management System

(SMS) which ensures systematic hazard

and risk management in line with the

requirements of the International Civil

Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Civil

Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM).

The SMS consists of four pillars: Safety

Policy and Objectives, Safety Risk

Management (SRM), Safety Assurance

(SA) and Safety Promotion.

Guided by the SMS, we promote a safety

culture within the organisation with

The Sustainability Committee, chaired by

Tan Sri (Dr) Tony Fernandes, will report

twice a year to the Board, while a Working

Committee comprising Group Heads of

Departments will ensure all our material

areas are taken into consideration in our

business plans and strategies. Through

this governance structure, sustainability

will be integrated more formally into

our operations and risk assessment

processes. Clear key performance

indicators (KPIs), targets and goals will be

set in 2018, and reported in the future.

Scope of Statement

This Sustainability Statement covers

the sustainability initiatives of AirAsia

Malaysia for the financial year 2017. The

AirAsia Group is based in Malaysia, and

AirAsia Malaysia remains the biggest

revenue contributor. We have put in

place the relevant mechanisms to collect

data in Malaysia and are in the process

of standardising the data collection in

our other country operations. Once the

relevant measurement and reporting

structures are in place in our other

associates, we will start reporting on their

sustainability performance too.

We currently base our statement on

the Global Reporting Index (GRI)-G4

guidelines, and are pleased to see that

a number of our initiatives contribute to

global sustainability concerns, such as

those outlined by the United Nations’

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As our initiatives mature, we hope to be

able to map our performance against the

SDGs that are relevant to our actions and



The safety of people who fly with us and

work with us is something we will not

compromise on. It is given top priority

at AirAsia Malaysia, and we invest

clear lines of individual and collective

responsibility and accountability.

Continuous training is provided to

ensure all Allstars understand our safety

processes and are able to carry out

their functions safely. To reinforce our

commitment to maintaining the highest

levels of safety, we encourage constant

conversations on safety behaviours. Our

objective is for every individual in AirAsia

Malaysia to contribute to the safety of

every aspect of our operations, on ground

and in the air.

Departmental level engagement

with internal safety champions was

significantly enhanced during the year

with an improved reporting system that

promotes vigilance among Allstars. These

reports are discussed at safety meetings,

which are held regularly and where

proactive, innovative resolutions are



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AirAsia Group Berhad