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Page Background

We are committed to developing, implementing, maintaining and constantly

improving our strategies and processes to achieve the highest level of safety

performance and meet national and international standards, while delivering on

our customer promise for affordable, reliable and convenient flight services. All

Allstars are accountable for the delivery of our safety performance, starting with

the Chief Executive Officer.

Our commitment is to:


reporting system, unless such

disclosure indicates an illegal act or

deliberate disregard of regulations

and procedures.

• Comply with and, wherever possible,

exceed legislative and regulatory

requirements and standards.

• Ensure that sufficient skilled and

trained Allstars are available to

implement our safety strategies and


• Ensure all Allstars are provided with

adequate aviation safety information

and training hence are competent

in safety matters and are allocated

only tasks commensurate with their


• Establish and measure our

performance against realistic safety

performance indicators and targets.

• Continually improve our safety

performance through management

processes that ensure relevant

safety action is taken and is effective.

• Ensure externally supplied systems

and services to support our

operations are delivered, meeting

our safety performance standards.


Chief Executive Officer

AirAsia Malaysia

• Support the management of

safety through the provision of

appropriate resources resulting in an

organisational culture that fosters

safe practices, encourages effective

safety reporting and communication

and actively manages safety with

the same attention to results as

the attention to the results of the

other management systems of the


• Enforce the management of safety

as a primary responsibility of all

managers and Allstars.

• Clearly define for Allstars,

managers and employees

alike their accountabilities and

responsibilities for the delivery of the

organisation’s safety performance

and the performance of our Safety

Management System.

• Establish and operate hazard

identification and risk management

processes, including a hazard

reporting system, in order to

eliminate or mitigate the safety risks

or the consequences of hazards

resulting from our operations to a

point which is as low as reasonably


• Ensure that no action will be taken

against any employee who discloses

a safety concern through the hazard

Safety Training

Identified operational personnel,

supervisors, managers, senior managers

and accountable managers are required

to undergo appropriate safety training.

The objective is to ensure all relevant

Allstars are competent to perform their

SMS duties. SMS training is part of the

induction programme for new Allstars,

while recurrent training is conducted

every two years.

Emergency Response Planning

During the year, there was added

emphasis on Emergency Response

Planning and especially on the proper

handling of those involved in emergency

scenarios. Two-day Psychological First

Aid (PFA) sessions were organised in

Kuching, Penang and Kota Kinabalu in

April, July and August respectively in

collaboration with the Counsellors Board

of Malaysia and Mercy Malaysia. A total

of 70 Guest Service and Ramp services

Allstars participated in the programmes

as part of training to serve as our Special

Assistance Team.

In addition, 30 Allstars took part in a

two-day search and rescue exercise

(SAREX) organised at the Langkawi

International Airport in March which

focused on both land and sea operations.

The sea scenario re-enacted a collision of

two helicopters while the land scenario

simulated an aircraft crash in the airport

itself. The exercise involved a total of 600

participants from 30 private and public


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AirAsia Group Berhad