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No. of shares held:

CDS Account No.:

The proportion of

my/our holding to

be represented by

my/our proxies are

as follows:

No. of Shares







Signature of Shareholder/Common Seal


1. Pursuant to the Securities Industry (CentralDepositories) (Foreign

Ownership) Regulations 1996 and Article 41(a) of the Company’s

Constitution,only thoseForeigners (asdefined in theArticles)who

hold shares up to the current prescribed foreign ownership limit

of 45.0% of the total number of issued shares of the Company,

on a first-in-time basis based on the Record of Depositors to be

used for the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (“AGM”), shall

be entitled to vote. A proxy appointed by a Foreigner not entitled


disenfranchised voting rights shall be automatically vested in the

Chairman of theAGM.

2. A member must be registered in the Record of Depositors at 5.00

p.m. on 13 June 2018 (“General Meeting Record of Depositors”) in

order to attend and vote at the Meeting. A depositor shall not be

regarded as a Memberentitled to attend the Meeting and to speak

and vote thereat unless his name appears in the General Meeting

Record of Depositors. Any changes in the entries on the Record

of Depositors after the abovementioned date and time shall be

disregarded in determining the rights of any person to attend and

vote at the Meeting.

3. A member entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint two (2)


in accordance with Section 333 of the Companies Act, 2016, to

attend and vote in his stead.There shall be no restriction as to the

qualification of the proxy(ies).

4. The Proxy Form in the case of an individual shall be signed by the

appointor or his attorney, and in the case of a corporation, either

under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney

duly authorised.

5. Where a member appoints two (2) proxies, the appointment shall

be invalid unless he specifies the proportion of his shareholdings

to be represented by each proxy.

6. WhereaMemberoftheCompany isanexemptauthorisednominee

whichholdsordinaryshares intheCompanyformultiplebeneficial

owners in one securities account (“omnibus account”), there is no


may appoint in respect ofeach omnibus account it holds.

7. The Proxy Form or other instruments of appointment shall not be

treated as valid unless deposited at the Registered Office of the

Company at Unit 30-01,Level30,TowerA,VerticalBusiness Suite,






8. PursuanttoParagraph8.29A(1)oftheMainMarketListingRequirements

of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, all resolutions set out in this

Noticewillbeput tovotebywayofpoll.

9. By submitting an instrument appointing a proxy(ies) and/or

representative(s) to attend, speak and vote at the AGM and/or any

adjournment thereof, a member of the Company (i) consents to

the collection, use and disclosure of the member’s personal data

by the Company (or its agents) for the purpose of the processing

and administration by the Company (or its agents) of proxies and



minutes and other documents relating to the AGM (including any

adjournment thereof), and in order for the Company (or its agents)




orrepresentative(s)totheCompany(or itsagents),thememberhas


forthecollection,useanddisclosurebytheCompany(or itsagents)

ofthe personaldata ofsuch proxy(ies) and/orrepresentative(s) for

the Purposes, and (iii) agrees that the member will indemnify the

Company in respect of any penalties, liabilities, claims, demands,





AirAsia Group Berhad

(Company No. 1244493-V)

Unit 30-01, Level 30, Tower A

Vertical Business Suite

Avenue 3, Bangsar South

No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi

59200 Kuala Lumpur

Wilayah Persekutuan
