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AirAsia Group

Comprises of AirAsia Berhad (Consolidated AOCs - AirAsia Malaysia, AirAsia Indonesia,

AirAsia Philippines), AirAsia Thailand, AirAsia India and AirAsia Japan.

Aircraft at end of period

Number of aircraft owned or on lease arrangements of over one month’s duration at the

end of the period.

Aircraft utilisation

Average number of block hours per day per aircraft operated.

Available Seat Kilometres (ASK)

Total seats flown multiplied by the number of kilometres flown.

Average fare

Passenger seat sales, surcharges and fees divided by number of passengers.

Block hours

Hours of service for aircraft, measured from the time that the aircraft leaves the terminal

at the departure airport to the time that it arrives at the terminal at the destination airport.


The number of seats flown.

Cost per ASK (CASK)

Revenue less operating profit divided by available seat kilometres.

Cost per ASK, excluding fuel (CASK ex fuel)

Revenue less operating profit and aircraft fuel expenses, divided by available seat


Load factor

Number of passengers as a percentage of capacity.

Passengers carried

Number of earned seats flown. Earned seats comprises seats sold to passengers (including

no-shows), seats provided for promotional purposes and seats provided to staff for

business travel.

Revenue per ASK (RASK)

Revenue divided by available seat kilometres.

Revenue Passenger Kilometres (RPK)

Number of passengers multiplied by the number of kilometres those passengers have



A one-way revenue flight.

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AirAsia Group Berhad