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General Safety Risk Exposure

– The Group’s exposure to operational

safety hazards and risks may increase as we grow our routes, flights

and passenger volume.

The Group has implemented a Safety Management System, which

is required by regulations to identify hazards and to mitigate safety

risks. In addition, the Group also adopts industry best practices. For

instance, AAB has completed the IATAOperational Safety Audit, which

is an internationally recognized and accepted evaluation system

designed to assess the operational management and control systems

of the airline. The Group Safety Department oversees the adoption

of the highest standards in identifying, managing and communicating

safety risks across the Group. It also promotes a strong safety culture

at all levels of the organisation to ensure that all employees of the

Group are aware of their responsibilities in contributing towards safety.


The following key internal control structures (including the AC and the GIAD disclosed above) are in place to assist the Board to maintain a

proper internal control system:

Board Governance

The Board has governance over the Group’s operations. The Board is kept updated on the Group’s activities and operations on a timely and

regular basis through Board meetings with a formal agenda on matters for discussion. The Boards of AAGB and AAB have established four

committees, namely the AC, RMC, Nomination and Remuneration Committee (“NRC”) and Safety Review Board (“SRB”), to assist it in executing

different governance responsibilities. Further information on the various Board Committees in the Statement on Corporate Governance from

pages 186 to 192 of this Annual Report.

Senior Management Responsibilities

Regular management and operation meetings are conducted by Senior Management comprises the Group Chief Executive Officer (“GCEO”),

Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer (“DGCEO”), Chief Executive Officers (“CEOs”) of various Airlines Operating Companies (“AOCs”), and

Heads of Department.

Segregation of Duties

Segregation of duties is embedded in the key business processes. The Group has in place a system to ensure there are adequate riskmanagement,

financial and operational policies and procedures.

Internal Policies and Procedures

Policies, procedures and processes governing AAB’s businesses and operations are documented and made available to employees across

on AAB’s intranet portal. These policies, procedures and processes are reviewed and updated by the business and functional units through

a structured process of review. This is to ensure that appropriate controls are in place to manage risks arising due to changes in legal and

regulatory requirements as well as the business and operational environment.

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AirAsia Group Berhad