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Principle C: Integrity in Corporate Reporting and Meaningful Relationship with Stakeholders


Effective Communication with Shareholders and Investors

AAB is committed to communicating openly and regularly with shareholders and investors through platforms such as the corporate

section of its website, the Annual Report, Financial Announcements and Key Operating Statistics and Announcements through Bursa

Malaysia and AGMs. The corporate section of its website is updated regularly to provide stakeholders with all relevant information on


AAB has a dedicated Investor Relations team which supports the Senior Management in their active participation in investor relation

activities, including road shows, conferences and quarterly investor briefings locally and globally with financial analysts, institutional

investors and fund managers.

AAB continues to fulfil its disclosure obligations as per Bursa Malaysia’s Corporate Governance Guidelines. All disclosure of material

corporate information is disseminated in an accurate, clear and timely manner via Bursa Malaysia announcements.



Given the size and geographical diversity of the Group’s shareholders, the AGM is another important forum for interaction with this group

of stakeholders. All shareholders will be notified of the meeting and provided with a copy of AAB’s Annual Report before the meeting

is held. At the 24th AGM of AAB held on 25 May 2017, all members of the Board were present to respond to questions raised by the

shareholders or proxies. Voting at the 24th AGM was conducted through an electronic poll voting system and was scrutinised by an

independent scrutineer. AAGB will continue to leverage technology to enhance the quality of its shareholder engagement and facilitate

further participation by shareholders at AAGB’s AGMs.


Professional Development of Directors

In line with Paragraph 15.08 of MMLR, the Directors recognise the importance and value of continuous professional development in order

to keep themselves abreast with the changes in the aviation and digital industry, as well as new statutory and regulatory requirements.

During the financial year, the Directors attended and participated in training programmes, conferences and seminars that covered the

areas of corporate governance, finance, global business developments and relevant industry updates which enable them to discharge

their duties effectively.

The details of training programmes, conferences and seminars attended by the Directors are outlined below:



Datuk Kamarudin Bin Meranun

Training on Companies Act, 2016 organised by Messrs Zul Rafique & Partners

Tan Sri (Dr) Anthony Francis Fernandes

Training on Companies Act, 2016 organised by Messrs Zul Rafique & Partners

World Economic Forum, Davos

Asia Business Council Spring Forum, Saigon

Julius Baer Senior Management Conference, Davos

World Travel & Tourism Council, Bangkok

World Economic Forum ASEAN, Phnom Penh

National Achievers Congress, Singapore

1st ASEAN Sikh Economic Entrepreneurship Summit, Kuala Lumpur

Davao Investment Conference, Davao

Invest Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

SME Congress, Kuala Lumpur

ASEAN Business & Investment Summit, Manila

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AirAsia Group Berhad