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Reduction in aircraft weight

The less an aircraft weighs, the less fuel

it burns. We therefore look for ways to

minimise our aircraft load. In 2016, we

obtained approval to replace about 23kg

of flight documents from the cockpits

with 2kg electronic flight bags (ie tablets),

saving two litres of fuel and 6kg of carbon

emissions per flight. As of December

2017, we have been able to further reduce

the weight of manuals by another 9kg

(totalling 32kg), resulting in a total fuel

savings of 337,519kg (equivalent to

1,066 tonnes of carbon emissions). The

replacement of manuals with tablets also

reduces paper use and the manpower

required to print and replace old manuals.

In addition, we limit the amount of water

carried on board based on need, reducing

our carbon emissions by an average of

10kg per flight. We also use the latest

Base Coat Clear Coat (BCCC) system when

painting new livery, which halves the paint

thickness on our aircraft.

Flight Efficiencies

Partnering with GE Aviation, we have

redesigned various aspects of our flight

operations to be optimally fuel efficient.

• Performance Based Navigation (PBN)


To date, we have spent

USD40 million to develop these

procedures, which use the aircraft’s

own navigational devices instead of

ground-based equipment to determine

the shortest possible approach

to a destination. PBN has been

implemented at 11 of 14 airports that

we fly to in Malaysia, enabling us to

save about 182 litres of fuel and 575kg

of carbon emissions per flight.

One-Engine Taxi (OET).

This entails

using only one engine when taxiing

out to the runway before take-off

and when taxiing in after landing.

landing gear as frequently as required we

are able to reduce our fuel consumption

by up to 2%, which is equivalent to 336kg

of fuel for a four-hour flight. We also

regularly wash our engine compressors,

each wash saving 0.2% of fuel per engine

amounting to savings of 171,000 litres of

fuel per month for the Group. Together,

these efforts resulted in a carbon

emissions reduction of more than 30,000

tonnes in 2016 - the equivalent of saving

nearly 149,000 trees. This represents

about 5% of AirAsia’s annual emissions.

Carbon Emissions

As a result of our fuel efficiency initiatives,

despite an 8% increase in capacity in

2017, we managed to lower our carbon

emissions from flight operations

minimally, from 2,667,469 tonnes of CO


equivalent (tCO


e) in 2016 to 2,666,866



e. Although emissions from ground

operations (ie from ramp vehicles)

increased by 93.4%, this represents an

insignificant portion of total emissions,

and our carbon efficiency, as measured

by emissions per passenger kilometre

(inclusive of cargo weight) has continued

to improve, from 85.14 grams of CO



per passenger km (gCO


e/pkm) in 2015

to 76.75 gCO


e/pkm in 2016 and 69.65



e/pkm in 2017.

As of 2017, we have also started to

measure the carbon emissions from

electricity usage at RedQ. This will serve

as a baseline for reduction targets to be

set in the future. As the table on the facing

page shows, electricity consumption

has been maintained between the range

of 273,000kW/h and 325,000kW/h

throughout the year.

The procedure saves about nine

litres of fuel per flight, reducing

carbon emissions by 28kg while also

reducing engine maintenance costs

and noise pollution. AirAsia recorded

total fuel savings of 2,929,582kg

from the operation, equivalent to

9,257.48 tonnes of carbon emissions.

Other than Malaysia, the system is

also employed by our associates in

Thailand, Indonesia and India, reducing

the Group’s carbon emissions by 5.53

million kg a year.

• Packs Off Take-Off

This initiative reduces fuel

consumption while enabling aircraft to

have higher thrust power during take-

off. For the year 2017, AirAsia saved

229,020kg of fuel from the initiative,

equivalent to 723.70 tonnes of carbon

emissions, while the Group achieved a

total saving of 500,961kg of fuel.

• Reduced Flap Landing

This reduces drag, enabling us to

conserve fuel and reduce noise

and emissions at the same time. It

translated into 1,685,148kg of fuel

savings, equivalent to 5,325.07 tonnes

of carbon emissions reduction for

AirAsia in 2017. Group-wide, we saved

a total of 3,693,815kg of carbon


• Idle Reverse Landing

Idle reverse landing reduces fuel

consumption, carbon emissions and

noise. Using this procedure, AirAsia

saved 684,229kg of fuel in 2017,

equivalent to 2,162.16 tonnes of carbon

emissions reduction. Group-wide, we

saved 1,830,308kg of fuel during the


Aircraft Maintenance

Maintaining our aircraft in optimum

condition also plays an important role

in fuel management. By overhauling our

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AirAsia Group Berhad