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an amazing group of people who work

well together and are passionate about

our dream, namely to enable everyone to

fly. We have also established an amazing

dynamic with our Allstars – just as they

support our dreams, we support theirs. We

have always encouraged our Allstars to

pursue their ambitions, and have provided

them all the support we can. The Allstars

who feature on the cover of this annual

report, and whose stories are captured in

the dividers, are good examples of the way

we have grown our talents internally.

Over the years, we have streamlined

our talent management processes and

implemented more mechanisms to be able

to attract the right talent and then grow

them. A key hire during the year was that

of our Chief People & Culture Officer who

is creating a better framework to ensure

we meet our human capital needs while

meeting the needs of our people. Along

with the fast pace at which we are growing,

we have been intensifying our recruitment

initiatives; some 30 recruitment drives

were held across the Group during the

year. We also offered permanent positions

within the company to no less than 30

interns. We believe in exposing our interns

to our Asean philosophy and culture, and

do this via cross-country postings. During

the year, 11 interns from Korea were placed

in Malaysia or Thailand. At more senior

levels, we are providing high-performers

the opportunity to pursue MBAs at the Asia

School of Business.

Our objective is to nurture our talent and

develop a strong pipeline of future leaders

so that all senior positions can be filled by

Allstars who have a deep understanding

of the AirAsia way, and will be able to keep

strengthening our culture. This culture has

got us to where we are, and underlines our

long-term sustainability.


The aviation industry has its share of

inherent risks. However, by identifying

and monitoring our risks, we are better

prepared to prevent and manage them to a

level that is practicable.

Financial Risks:

Our most pertinent financial risks

revolve around volatilities in fuel

price, currencies, interest rates and

maintaining adequate liquidity. These

are managed via hedging as well as

securing the financing for aircraft

purchases a year in advance (please

refer to our Financial Review, under the

section on ‘Cash Flow & Debt’).

Operational Risks:

We protect our assets from adverse

operational scenarios by strengthening

the Group’s governance as well as

various frameworks that support the

efficient and effective identification and

assessment of risks.

Risks that are monitored and managed

include those relating to critical

information systems outage, cyber

intrusion, market competition, loss

of critical airport services and loss of

physical workspace. We have put in place

systems and back-up plans for each risk,

and continuously test them for efficacy.

Given our reliance on IT systems, we have

worked towards and achieved certification

in ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security

Management System (ISMS).

To ensure business continuity, we have

specific business plans for our main

hubs and work closely with the relevant

airport operators and authorities to ensure

we can continue to operate should any

incident take place. We have also set up

an alternative workplace to RedQ in the

event of a crisis, and are strengthening our

commitment to business continuity and

disaster recovery.

For a fuller report on our risk policies and

processes, please refer to our Statement

on Risk Management and Internal

Control (page 197), and our Sustainability

Statement (page 156).

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AirAsia Group Berhad