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Among the bigger steps taken this year

as part of this journey, we have signed

an MoU for Inmarsat Aviation’s GX

Aviation high-speed broadband which

is to be installed in more than 120 of our

aircraft, starting from 2018. This would

not only enable us to upgrade the inflight

entertainment provided to guests but also

to install internet of things (IoT) sensors

on our aircraft for real-time data on

their physical condition and, especially,

their engine performance. We are also

negotiating a deal for Airbus to roll out

its latest SkyWise aviation data system

to serve as our core platform. To support

and further build on the digital platforms

we are acquiring, we are investing in our

own highly specialised satellite digital

teams. The first team has already been

set up in Bengaluru, India’s equivalent of

Silicon Valley; and there are plans to set

up another in Bandung, Indonesia, another

hotbed of IT talent.


Safety has always been, and will always

be our topmost priority. We recognise

the responsibility we undertake in flying

thousands of guests and Allstars every

day. This is a responsibility we do not

shoulder lightly, but one that has seen us

continuously enhance our processes and

procedures to ensure there are no gaps in

our safety mechanisms.

All our airlines across the Group have

adopted Safety Management Systems

(SMS) which serve as the framework

for robust safety structures. These

SMS encompass formal Safety Policies,

effective Safety Risk Management

processes, as well Safety Assurance and

Safety Promotion components. Our safety

policies and processes are not static, but

keep improving as we adopt best practices

within the global aviation industry.

As an example, we have embarked on

a Safety Digitisation effort through the

use of digital safety reporting, safety

observations and safety audits. All data

captured are analysed using a common

platform that enables us to have an

overview of our daily operational risks as

well as emerging hazards, which can be

mitigated accordingly.

During the year, our associate in Thailand

was the first LCC in the country to have

its Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) re-

certified by the Civil Aviation Authority of

Thailand (CAAT) while the latter was in the

process of attempting to lift the red flag

that had been imposed on the country’s

aviation industry by the International Civil

Aviation Organization (ICAO). Meanwhile,

in Malaysia, we have embarked on the

process of attaining the IATA Operational

Safety Audit (IOSA) certification, which

serves as an internationally recognised

benchmark of an airline’s safety standards.

We have completed the initial IOSA audit,

and expect to receive the certification in



Sustainability has always been integral

to our operations as our business model

requires us to be efficient in the use of

all our resources, to minimise waste

and maximise efficiencies. This model,

moreover, places our guest at the heart

of everything we do; in all our business

decisions, we are driven to stay true to

our core promise, to enable everyone

to fly. However, driven by stakeholder

expectations, and especially that of

regulators and investors, sustainability

has taken on a more organised meaning.

Rather than something we have always

done as ‘second nature’, therefore, we are

putting in place systems and processes to

build a sustainability framework that will

allow us to meet evolving expectations.

During the year, we have been working

on a sustainability governance

structure to ensure clear lines of

authority and responsibility in meeting

our environmental, economic and

social obligations to stakeholders. A

Sustainability Committee comprising

employees from different departments has

been put together which will report to the

Board. We also have a new team, Green

& Environmental Affairs, to overlook all

issues related to the environment, which

is one of our most pertinent sustainability

issues. Goals and targets will be set

so that we know what we are working

towards and are able to keep track of our

progress. We will be transparent about our

performance and disclose key results in

our annual Sustainability Reports.

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AirAsia Group Berhad